My blog just have been approved for payperpost program. It was my fourth attempts and I finally succeeded. My first attempt was last month and it was rejected because my blog was less than one month age. Then I resubmitted again after one month and again, it was rejected. This time my blog rejected because there is no chronological archives. After I fixed the problem, I submitted again hoping than this will be the last one. Sadly, my blog was rejected last two days because of there is non-english posting that I made. So, I deleted my postings in malays and finally my blog was approved!
Now there is still none oppurtunities available for me, so I have to refreshed the screen and check the opps regularly. Hope to make extra bucks quickly..!
If you guys wanna check the website, just click the affiliates link below.
parok doh hok mung...aku baru massuk nuffnang je...
berapo doh sebulang mung buleh?
any tips to share?
nuffnang banyok ko bulih? Aku baru start jah la...adsense je la hok ada sikit..dlm 20-30 dollar hehe.
tips..wat link byk2 la
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